Getting started

There are two ways one can interact with PyMef wrapper. Either through High level API which is aimed at users with no experience of MEF format. Or through Low level API which is mainly meant for experienced users.

High level API interaction

All operations are handled through pymef.mef_session.MefSession class. To initialize a MefSession we can use following code:

import numpy
from pymef.mef_session import MefSession

session_path = '/path/to/session.mefd'
password = 'mef_password'

# Either for reading
ms = MefSession(session_path, password)

# Or for writing
ms = MefSession(session_path, password, False, True)

Writing time series data

To write time series data the time series metadata file has to be written first.

pwd_1 = 'table'
pwd_2 = 'chair'

start_time = 946684800000000
end_time = start_time + 1000000

sampling_frequency = 5000

channel_name = 'test_channel'

# Section 3
section3_dict = {'recording_time_offset': 0,
                 'DST_start_time': 0,
                 'DST_end_time': 0,
                 'GMT_offset': 3600,
                 'subject_name_1': 'Olaf',
                 'subject_name_2': 'Mefson',
                 'subject_ID': '2017',
                 'recording_location': 'pub'}

# Time series section 2 dictionry with ts section 2 fields
section2_ts_dict = {'channel_description': 'Test_channel',
                    'session_description': 'Test_session',
                    'recording_duration': 1,
                    'reference_description': 'wine',
                    'acquisition_channel_number': 5,
                    'sampling_frequency': sampling_frequency,
                    'notch_filter_frequency_setting': 50.0,
                    'low_frequency_filter_setting': 1.0,
                    'high_frequency_filter_setting': 10.0,
                    'AC_line_frequency': 70,
                    'units_conversion_factor': 1.5,
                    'units_description': 'uV',
                    'start_sample': 0,  # Different for segments
                    'number_of_discontinuities': 1,
                    # The following entries are filled automatically during data writing
                    'maximum_native_sample_value': 0.0,
                    'minimum_native_sample_value': 0.0,
                    'number_of_blocks': 0,
                    'maximum_block_bytes': 0,
                    'maximum_block_samples': 0,
                    'maximum_difference_bytes': 0,
                    'block_interval': 0,
                    'maximum_contiguous_blocks': 0,
                    'maximum_contiguous_block_bytes': 0,
                    'maximum_contiguous_samples': 0,
                    'number_of_samples': 0}


After the metadata file is in place the data itslef can be written:

N = 20000  # Number of samples
samps_per_mef_block = 5000
data = np.random.randint(-200, 200, N, dtype='int32')


Reading time series data

To obtain information about time series channels the function read_ts_channel_basic_info() as in the following code snippet.

There are two options for reading time series data:

Both functions have similar API. The first argument is either a channel string or a list of channel strings. The secund argument consits of list of lists with start and stop sample or uutc. Both time entries can also be None in which case the recording start / stop is used. If only one entry for start and stop is provided the same span is applied to all channels in the channel list. There is one minor difference in returned data - when reading by uUTC the function returns NaNs if no data is available in the specified time span.

# Returns 1D numpy array with data from recording start to recording stop
ms.read_ts_channels_uutc(channel, [[None, None]])

# Returns 1D numpy array with 2 1D numpy arrays with data from recording start to recording stop
ms.read_ts_channels_uutc([channel, channel], [[None, None]])

# Returns 1D numpy array with data from sample 5 to sample 5000
ms.read_ts_channels_sample(channel, [[5, 5000]])